Monday 8 June 2009

A Self-help Guide to Withdrawal Available

by Kieron McFadden

There is very little need to reiterate here all the bad news concerning drug addiction.

There is hardly anyone alive who is not aware that it has become a very, very big problem. Drug abuse statistics nationally and globally are staggering and the drug problem is the underlying factor in many of today's problems including, crime, the spread of HIV and other diseases, auto accidents and much more.

Man currently lacks workable solutions to the problem. This is not to say they do not exist, just that governments currently tend to spend scant resources barking up wrong trees such as unsuccessful psychiatric programs. They defer for expertise to wealthy vested interests such as psychiatry and drugs manufacturers whose entire orientation, think and goal is towards getting people to TAKE drugs, not quit them and are in fact part of the PROBLEM, not the solution……..

And there we go again another tirade about how bad it all is. All the bad news becomes after a while quite overwhelming.

So let’s look at the good news. It’s there, so permit me to draw your attention to what can be done and is being done about drug addiction.

A program exists that DOES get people off drugs and tends to turn their while life around into the bargain. This program had proven time and again that something very effective CAN be done about drugs.

The day government starts investing in workable programs and gives this particular program a helping hand as opposed to continuing to waste billions on psychiatric programs that not only don’t work but tend to make matters worse, is the day we will start to clean up our drug problem for real.

And when that happens, the soaring crime rates that are a direct consequence of soaring drug abuse will begin to fall. And fall. And somewhere up the line our new, drug free civilization will emerge from its Dark Age fit for human beings to live in.

The program to which I refer is the famous totally drug-free Narconon program. I invite you to check out its workability and efficacy for yourself rather than take at face value what I or anyone else tell you.

There is further good news in that the technology used so successfully by Narconon is not difficult to learn and Narconon is keen for people to arm themselves with this knowledge; to learn it for themselves and to go out and use it to help themselves and others.

The very first step to drug rehabilitation is to get the addict off the drugs and through the withdrawal stage.

Narconon programs operate in 37 countries. Narconon representatives have recently visited a number of countries at the request of government officials and rehabilitation professionals desperate for a workable method that will help their people. In the U.S., where there are thousands of treatment centres and rehab programs, there are yet 22 million drug addicts searching for solutions that ACTUALLY GET THEM OFF DRUGS.

A huge problem faced by the addict is how to get through the first stage of rehabilitation; the horrors of withdrawal. These can be so awful that they are the main factor deterring people from getting themselves free of drugs.

Yet the Narconon program’s withdrawal step, utilizing nutrition and simple techniques for getting a person through the discomfort relatively smoothly, provides a highly workable way out.

Now, this is NOT theory on my part. I have worked as a withdrawal specialist on the Narconon program in the UK. I have personally taken people through the Narconon withdrawal step

I can vouch that while it is not a walk in the park, withdrawal using the Narconon methodology was in almost all the cases I personally witnessed FAR less uncomfortable than the addict was expecting it to be. I have seen people come through withdrawal in a few days, still waiting for withdrawal to kick in in earnest and very pleasantly surprised when they realised that they have actually FINISHED withdrawal.

I have SEEN for example heroin addicts who arrived at the Centre to begin withdrawal looking as if they already had one foot on the grave looking well and healthy a week or two later.

I kid you not. And I invite you to check it out for yourself.

These experiences left on me an impression I will carry with me for the rest of my life and are the reason I spend so much of my time writing praise about the Narconon program

Now, the good news is that that technology of successful withdrawal is more accessible than you think because Narconon is now teaching the general public how to help someone through withdrawal by applying nutritional supplements and exercises that get a person through in relative comfort.

These steps, of done exactly as laid down, will aid the addict through what would normally be an extremely difficult process in usually less time and more comfortably.

By teaching the technology of successful withdrawal to the general public Narconon makes accessible at broad grass roots level the means to beat withdrawal and free millions of human beings from the grip of addiction.

This process is simply called the Narconon First Step Program. With it anyone of average intelligence and above average determination to help himself or someone else can learn how to conduct a workable drug-free withdrawal.

I recommend it to you.

About The Author

For more information about the First Step Program, go to Narconon at

You can also find Narconon and all my free articles and much more via

For safer and more effective solutions than psychiatry, go to Better Than Drugs

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